Sunday, June 26, 2011

Brianne and Chase Engagement

By the way, Brianne made this adorable dress!!  She is super talented and it going to start selling them soon so watch out.  They are going to be big.... and I am going to be the photographer!!


  1. what setting do you like to use to shoot?? i'm seriously ENTHRALLED in your photos. i'm still learning, and like to get tips whenever i can.

    soo, if you have any good ones, PLEASE TELL:)

  2. Thank you so much! What aspect of the photos are you referring to? I just shoot in manual if that is what you mean.... it's definitely the best way!

  3. Whitney I seriously love your work! Just out of curiosity how much would it be if you took some pictures of my husband and i with our dog?

    p.s. just in case you didn't know this is chelsea boydston previously known as chelsea houst.

  4. Chelsea of course I know its you!! Thank you so much! I charge $150 for family sessions. I would love to take photos of you guys!
